I am a firm believer in the concept of bad things happen in threes. And three really shitty things happened this weekend. Let's start in chronological order (which also happens to be order of importance as well.)
1. I will not be an RA next year.
*Friday I was emailed that I was not selected for the team next year. At first I was beyond furious. But now I realize I can work and do shows and not worry about duty nights, events, bulletin boards, and late night calls. It'll be less stress. I called my mom and told her the news and informed me that we can't afford to keep me in housing if there is a required meal plan and if my housing is no longer free. :( It's unfortunate because I really love RiverPark, but my financial situation just sucks right now. At least I can have a puppy now :)
2. I refuse to eat at McDonalds EVER again.
*Friday night I got so incredibly sick from a freaking happy meal. I was puking my brains out all night. And it just continued to make me feel miserable all into Saturday. It. Was. Awful.
3. I got dumped.
*Sunday I was sitting in my apartment and I got a text from Chris saying he wasn't ready for this whole relationship business. Although I am livid for being led on like this, it's reasonable. He rushed into it KNOWING he wasn't ready. I'm mad at myself for letting it happen. I had already ordered his birthday present and everything. I know he really wanted a Thrasher's jersey so I got one for him and I don't have the heart to cancel the order. I knew I was rebound and I still don't even care. But ya know what? This is my life. And I'm learning to accept that I'm never gonna stop kissing these damn frogs because they're ain't a prince out there good enough for me.
And that's ok.
The men that matter the most in my life were there to pick up the pieces of this horrendous weekend: God, Daddy, Chase, and Micah.
I know I don't have any place to comment on this but I just wanted to tell you i'm sorry for how chris treated you and even though I acted a bit on the psycho side when I first found out about you guys I think he treated you dirty. That's not how he is, and under any other circumstances you guys would've been really happy together. I feel like this is partially my fault and I'm really sorry. i'm really not a crazy psycho bitch ex girlfriend. we girls have trouble with emotions and thinking clearly. :P i hope your week is better than your weekend!!
Babygirl, I love you. And we will figure out living situations for next year, vow to only eat Chick-fil-a forever, and swear off evil boys! <3
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